Well I appreciate these posts, as I didn't watch Velma and am so late to the Last of Us train that I have to actively avoid media to avoid spoilers. So I get to comment and read your words! Yeah!

It is a challenge, trying to keep an active substack and also write another "thing" big or small. I am in two different writing groups and am expected to share pages every 6 weeks and I can't repurpose my earworm essays as they are all readers! It's been a struggle. I can't imagine also trying to write a novel. And I don't have kids, am not planning a dogmitzvah, and work less than full time. Can't imagine how you do it! But accountability groups certainly help.

Have you figured out what TV show you will recap when Last of Us is over? Season 2 of Yellowjackets? Daisy and the Six is starting next week. I read that book and am intrigued by that one. Anyway - I'll try and keep up this time....

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Bravo for pivoting into something that is more suited to your current creative needs right now! Substack is a good place to figure out those rhythms and inspirations.

Thanks for the shout out!

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