A Place for TV & Film Lovers

There’s so much to comb through in the TV and film landscape that it can be daunting. Every day, there are more shows and films - some shlock and some gems. It’s a good problem to have and yet something that can cause unnecessary decision fatigue. No more!

Here’s a little bit about me, which should give you valuable insight into what you can expect from this publication. [My bio]🔗

Here for you

As a subscriber, you get weekly Prestige (meaning high-quality) TV and film recommendations, reviews, and pop culture commentary.

Come for the commentary, stay for the trailers.

For paid subscribers, you get bonus recommendations and some choice archive commentary like Bad Sisters, Do Revenge & The Redeem Team. Seriously, you never knew what the Apple TV+ series about close-knit sisters in Ireland hiding a possible murder, a Netflix teenage revenge film, the 2008 U.S. Olympic National Basketball Team and pickleball have in common till you read it.

A Reader of Beth’s TV & Film Recommendations had this to say about what you can expect from my posts:

Every time I figure I'll just give Beth's posts a quick scan and a quicker "heart" and move on with my day... I get tripped up by the depth and resonance of her writing. Film and TV are only the surface topics - Beth Lisogorsky writes about LIFE WRIT LARGE.



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Who am I? Good Question

I’m a film and TV analyst and pop culture critic. I’ve written on culture for PopMatters, Valleywag (part of Gawker media), The Boston Globe, and The Jerusalem Post. I gravitate to TV and films centered around relationships, drama, mysteries, and comedy - the stuff of life. It’s eclectic, but somehow all comes together.

Woman wearing black blouseWoman wearing black blouseWoman wearing black blouse
Me, Beth Lisogorsky in Professional Attire and my dog, Penny, a bloodhound and fan of funny film

I once co-authored a book about the TV show “The Apprentice.” That was a fun opportunity that taught me that we make our luck, it pays to think outside the box, and why not recording shows in the days of DVR and TiVo may seem shortsighted at first glance, but it can prove to be a strength.

When I’m not watching Prestige films and shows and worrying about carefully considering life, I’m with my family and friends, doing not enough Peloton, and writing. I also teach film and media and do digital strategy and content marketing consulting.

By pledging your support and becoming a paid subscriber, you also enable me to work fewer jobs and focus more on my writing. And for that…

Thank YOU

Thank you for being here. If you subscribe, I can’t wait to bring you reviews and recommendations. I live for it.

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TV + Film Reviewer & Recommender - Fan of smart comedies, dramas, romance, mysteries, and stories of human triumphing. ❤️