I love me a good mumblecore movie. The Blue Jay sounds interesting. I'm glad Duplass returned to his grittier filmmaking roots. Loved, Safety Not Guaranteed.

Enough Said was fab.

Swingers is still a fav.

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I liked safety not guaranteed too though I will watch everything with Aubrey Plaza.

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May 25Liked by Beth Lisogorsky

Randomly came upon you from your small stack note as I recently joined as well. As a film nerd (and film school grad) I obviously wanted to see what you had to say. This is the first post I’ve read and I’m now a new subscriber! :) You hit the nail on the head with Blue Jay. I saw this just a few years back and loved it — and now feel the same way about most Mumblecore films as you do… they just feel faux neurotic and adolescent to me now. I’m mid-40s so that may be why I don’t have as much tolerance. I do think that Sara Paulson is one of the main reasons this film works. She’s just a gem and elevates everything she’s in.

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Welcome Valerie! Film nerds are a rare bunch and I feel honored to have you here. You’re in good company. This movie felt like to me like mumblecore adulting. Like we had all the prepubescent and adolescent stuff in the mid to late 00s and this was grown up and wise and bittersweet. I’m also in my mid 40s so age-wise pretty much the same age as the main mumblecore players. Sarah Paulson is magic. I rewatched the “no more I love yous” dance scene a bunch of times. Happy to have you here! Thanks for commenting.

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May 20Liked by Beth Lisogorsky

The movies of the late great Lynn Shelton -- HUMPDAY, MY EFFORTLESS BRILLIANCE -- always stick with me.

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A great director who died too young! Good callout.

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I don't think I've seen Blue Jay. Does it take place in Toronto?

As I told you already, I am a fan of The Puffy Chair, which may have been the first Mark Duplass acted film. I could be wrong. It's directed by Mark and Jay Duplass, whose films I think are the best of the genre. I did like Safety Not Guaranteed, but I love the interplay between Mark and Katie Aselton (his wife IRL) in Puffy Chair. Also, they are both so good in The League, one of my favorite sitcoms from the 2010s.

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Yes to “The League” being a stellar series and I liked Kate Aslelton and Mark Duplass in it even though they weren’t together as a couple in it. I always forget that Mark is in fact younger than his brother, Jay because Jay seems younger. He’s excellent btw in the Max (HBO?) show “Industry” and of course “Transparent.” I know we talked “Puffy Chair” and I couldn’t get into it

“The Blue Jay” takes place in Crestline, California - an alpine town though the film was screened/debuted at the Toronto Film Festival

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Definitely want to watch it now!

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It’s delightful. Enjoy!

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Does "Garden State" qualify as mumblecore romance?

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Definitely indie but not sure if it’s mumblecore…

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Definitely not mumblecore. I'd say it's indie manic pixie dream girl core. Too scripted and too much music for mumblecore.

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Excellent definition

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That makes sense. So “500 Days of Summer” and “Ruby Sparks” also fall under that rubric!

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For sure. Then there's a film like Columbus, that touches on elements of both, but is its own unique animal. I guess that would be just indie.

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