Love Keri Russel. Didn’t watch the last season of The Americans but enjoyed the other seasons. Is she still married to her co-star?

Looking forward to season 2 of The Diplomat.

I have another show for you to watch if you haven’t already. Territory. It’s Yellowstone in Australia. Good so far.

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Thanks Carissa! Russell is still with Rhys. It’s been ten years and they have a kid together. So is the son’s last name, “Russell-Rhys” or “Rhys-Russell”? That’s the bigger question…

I hadn’t heard of “Territory”. I’ll need to check it out.

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I’ve heard of that one. I’ve been wanting to watch it. How is it compared to Yellowstone?

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It’s less Hollywood-y. More grit. We are Anna Torv fans. It’s nice to see her in a non sci fi role.

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Love Anna Torv. HOLD UP!

Not so much "Fringe" as it wasn't my sci fi genre BUT did you watch "Secret City"? Also, political intrigue thriller. EXCELLENT: https://www.netflix.com/title/80211136

Apologies - You've encountered me at my SHOUTY all caps time of day. I turn into e.e. cummings later. Wait, no, I'm never all lower case. And apparently even e.e. is a myth - Like the man wanted his CAPS: https://blog.flocabulary.com/myth-e-e-cummings-only-wrote-in-lowercase-letters/

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Haha. E. E.

Hubby said we watched Secret City.

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I'm loving Territory, it also has a young adult storyline, so it keeps stories varied and interesting.

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I really loved her in The Americans - I feel not enough people watched that show. And had no idea she was married to her co-star!

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I loved her in “The Americans” too. She’s been with Rhys, who is a proud Welshman, for ten years and they have a kid together. I love him too. There was a dramatic show from years ago called “Brothers & Sisters” about a family and he played the brother. That was my first intro to him.

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Yes 🙌 I’ve got a TV crush on Russel. I really admire how she’s playing Kate. Not pretty. Not nice. But smart. And with a moral centre.

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I agree! And of course she’s (by appearances) effortlessly elegant always.

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I'm a Felicity gal and I think she was the perfect cast for the role, but Keri is outstanding as a spy as well. Masterful at her craft. She's underrated.

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She’s incredible.

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Somebody Somewhere 💕💕💕💕 and the music is just so perfect.

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Isn’t it though? I wish I could sprinkle its magic dust on all other worthy shows. It just has a way of wrapping the heart and mind in a swaddled blanket (best comparison I can come up with) and making you feel like it’ll all be ok.

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I know, it’s just such a beautiful show and I love everyone in it. I’m so sad this is the finale season. I also grew up in the Midwest and I swear their Manhattan, KS looks exactly like my hometown. It’s kind of triggering it’s so real!!

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I was born in the Midwest, too! Not a small town though but I also went to college and spent Summers out there so I think some of my connection might be fueled through that.

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The entire production is just so thoughtful like down to the tiniest details. And we definitely had Brad’s Corningware!

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The Corningware is the best. I feel like they are taking us on a journey with Joel (easily my top character) and Brad (this season) with regards to compatibility, love and compromise. I'm here for it. Don't know where it'll end up and I'm training myself to enjoy that.

Also, not sure about you, but this is like my Monday evening treat show.

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I blew through the screeners and didn’t realize 8 was the last until I finished 😫. Savor the episodes!! Brad and Joel ❤️ the kitchen negotiation is so real!!

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Same thing happened to me with “Heartstopper” where I didn’t realize it was the final episode. That is, until a preview for the “The Empress” rolled ;) Strange Netflix algorithm

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Fabulous no spoilers review and format, as always. Keri Russell, Alison Janney and Sara Bareilles. Now *there's* a triple threat! All such talented ladies.

The chemistry (read: banter) between Keri and Matthew as Elizabeth and Philip was so fun to watch. I loved "Felicity" and "Waitress" (and love what Sara Bareilles has brought to musical theatre and the small screen, despite not having even watched it yet. #girls5eva!) and Alison Janney is brilliant in everything, comedic or dramatic.

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I like this triple threat of those three women. I'd watch. Preferably a dramatic series with the occasional song - it would have to be a tender, solemn one though, cause that's the way I role or roll ;)

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LOVED this season of The Diplomat! At six episodes it was over too soon! 😭 Also a big fan of The Americans. Sometimes just for kicks I’ll go to YouTube and watch the opening scene of that series.

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Typing 💬 into “YouTube”: “opening scene “The Americans”

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We LOVE the Diplomat! Almost as addictive as The Americans! Thanks for this one Beth. And really fun double tracking with Taylor’s Eras! As to Russell movies- don’t forget Waitress (and that sad side story). Now that I’m on a news detox fast… more time for Netflix!

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Thanks Kym! Yes- “Waitress” was a good one and good bridging point to her current era. Might have to optimize this at some point and add…I’m loving all of Keri’s stuff.

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I used to live for Felicity!! And his name was Ben 😁 I think they did end up together.

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Ben totally sucked. We were “Team Noel” fans all the way.

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I mean she IS pretty but she’s not trying to be pretty

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S2 of the Diplomat was so great... I mean after that final episode I cannot wait for S3! Love the back story you've given here - never knew Keri Russell's previous work! Thanks Beth

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Are you a Russell fan? What’s your favorite “era” of hers? Felicity was my jam back in the day for the eye candy that was Ben. So I'm familiar with that show. I had no idea she was a Mousketeer, though! I don't ever remember hearing that she could sing! Interesting. But I'm not watching her other shows and I'm not a Swiftie. That's not the genre of music I listen to.

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Loved the first season of The Diplomat. Looking forward to starting the new one!

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I eat crow a lot! I’ve convinced myself it means I’m growing (Still) and learning. Eva Green became a favorite of mine after “Penny Dreadful” too! Glad you gave Keri another chance. Her spy era is something to behold for sure

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