I’m surprised you are waiting to binge watch Severance as it’s a total IT/event show that will likely have faded from the cultural limelight by the time you get to it. It’s also in my opinion one of the best shows to savor and not binge. I’m actually grateful that they don’t release them all at once.
I have no idea how you have time to watch all these shows. I guess when you really want something you find the time, right? :-) Severance is the only show I’m watching right now so I will just read your posts in ignorant admiration for the time being. :-)
Man, so many thoughts about to save and binge vs week to week watching. Here’s what I will say - at the end when y’all are “Wait I think this reference (from finale) was in the second episode of the season. Maybe it was the third and wait didn’t she do this or that…Oh, man. Now I gotta go back and rewatch…” I will have it all fresh in my mind. No memory farts.💨
I LURVE "The Night Agent". Me, Sis, and my Dad binge-watched the first season over a weekend. I saw Season 2 is out, so I definitely need to catch up. I've seen "Anne with E" but don't remember how many seasons there are. I feel like I watched them all and was waiting for the next one, but it never came. Maybe? I dunno.
From this list we’re watching Night Agent, All Creatures, Severance, and The Agency. All Creatures falls under our “calming, palate cleanser” watch category, along with Elsbet and other low-stress shows. I have a love/hate relationship with Night Agent. It scratches an itch I have for spy shows and political intrigue, but also… “Let’s reveal all of our top secret intel to this random civilian named Rose!” 😂
But Rose is smarter than the FBI and CIA because of her face recognition code whose valuable intellectual property she’s basically giving away to the ADVERSE douche. I think that’s the most upsetting thing about this show.
Ahhhh so much tv, so little time! I’m watching season 3 of Sex Lives of College Girls right now. I can only really manage one show at a time since tv time is scarce. I hadn’t even heard of the new Reese/Will Ferrell movie! So excited now, I live for a funny rom com. I never tried Severance when it was all the rage in season 1. Should I do that next? Does it take a lot of deep attention to watch? I need stuff that is either fun distraction or VERY gripping and addictive. I can’t really do anything in between or I’ll get bored fast.
Thanks Stephanie. I started S3 of Sex Lives of College Girls but didn’t continue. I can’t remember why but I was sort of bummed they didn’t continue Whitney at the house of sorority horrors. Someone described it as a “Get out” type premise and I think they could have leaned into that a bit more. I also missed Renee Rapp’s character (not her) and though the replacement was not the same. I loved the first two seasons too and Chalamet is a comedic coup!
Severance is well done and a quality show. It took me a few episodes to get into the pacing of it. However that’s me. Others have said they were gripped right away. Have you done “The White Lotus”? It’s so worth it and grabs you right away. That would be my recommendation.
I keep meaning to google about Leighton’s departure… I didn’t realize she was leaving the show, I thought it would just be a couple episodes and she’d come back! But now I see she’s fully gone, ugh. Actors shouldn’t be allowed to do that and mess up the storyline 😂
Severance looked like the type of show I’d realize was good but also would have trouble focusing on. But I’ll try eventually! I did watch White Lotus S1 and then totally forgot about it. It was great but also so cringey and sometimes I can’t get in the mood to be that uncomfortable. I really overthink my TV choices, clearly haha.
I am enjoying Dexter Original Sin so much, Christian Slater is also nice to watch :) - I am also enjoying Paradise, with the caveat that I enjoy it knowing that is a Dan Fogelman show haha
The SNL Beyond doc is really interesting! I loved the ep on the writers (I think ep 2). I went to an "SNL museum exhibit" in NY a few years back that was awesome. Each section you walk through represented a different day of the week, so the first room showed you what happens on Sunday, second room showed Monday etc
Yeah that feels a lot like the vibe in the writers room episode where you get that grinding sense of each day carrying its own weight of responsibilities. I wonder how many years it takes to shake that feeling on those specific days and what the meant as far as work and zero sleep
Thanks, Beth! Saved. Our UK listing can sometimes be out of synch with yours. I have watched ALL of the Night Agent. Now about to start The Recruit ;-)
Great read, seeing all the shows you are enjoying is giving me huge FOMO. Agreed that Dexter is becoming sort of insufferable. While I am enjoying it still considering it is giving me my Dexter “fix” the flashback scenes are becoming arduous to endure every week not to mention the lead actor seems to lack the range of Michael C Hall.
I finished The White Lotus (will have a review out next week, hopefully) and really enjoyed it. So many great performances, unique characters, and incredible setting appropriate music. I understand what all the hype was about now, cannot wait until the third season.
Dexter is a tough sell because the 90s apart from Slater don’t carry the same quality that the original show does. I was also tiring of the 80s flashbacks too. I don’t really care about Dexter’s mom and her origin story. I did hear Sarah Michelle Gellar might be bringing Buffy back so maybe this dip back into series format gave her the confidence to try that again. That might be the silver lining in an otherwise 🫤 show.
My husband and I also have the Walking Dead spinoff with rick and michonne a try and did a few episodes. If you watched the original show it holds some nostalgic interest but it’s pretty poorly written.
As for FOMO there’s always time to catch up (or not) on any of these. If you’re prioritizing - The White Lotus would be a top for me. Excited for season 3 too!
And Anne with an E which you know about. Severance is up there too.
Watched AJ Fikraey and ended up balling my eyes out. Then felt really silly. (dont know why)
Prime Target is just ok and a bit ridiculous.
Wasn't thrilled with the Night Agent. It became really formulaic. (Actually jumped to the last episode after watching 4 episodes since they do do a recap)
Can't wait for White Lotus.
I get creepy vibes from Paradise. Murder mystery come dystopian horror story come billionaire mental case running everything. Would make a good polisci term paper with a side psych study on sheeple
The original french version of The Agency is terrific. Watch that if you can find it.
I balled my eyes out with AJ Fikrey too. You’re in good company. It’s deceptively deep and cutting in emotional ways that just took my breath away. The trailer doesn’t do it justice nor do the intro credits which make it seem like a dated made for cable movie.
So do you get the big issue with prime numbers? I’m still scratching my head. They can’t figure out a workaround for the sequence with all the brainpower in science and security tech??
The Night Agent is simplistic but an easy watch.
Paradise I need to revisit but my commercials laden Hulu membership makes it a tough sell during late night watches
I don’t get the issue with Prime. I think it has something to do with being able to predict the sequence used to create the firewalls around online security. If you can figure out what the sequence is going to be it will make it really easy to breach everything, I think they also apparently only use prime numbers for that. But don’t quote me. Not sure. I know mathematicians just love prime numbers, But since I never went beyond trig (oh about 40 years ago too) in school have no idea in truth.
You sound pretty informed and intelligent here. I’m just like, “ok this is related to cyber security and breaches” but like is it enough to kill anyone who ever got to the bottom of theory surrounding these numbers??? I got to Pre-Calc but can only remember the TI calculator I had to get - think it was a TI-95. Like tell me how old you are without telling me…
Could be, although I felt like season 3 was something of an anomaly in the show. Didn’t feel quite the same. But it also tends to be very heart wrenching so it can get too much for people.
I have to agree with your review of Prime Target. Its watchable but it's not that great.
I really need to watch Anne with an E but it's one of those shows that my brain decided to just reject for trivial reasons (in that case just the fact that I find Period shows boring - of course there are exceptions when the show is really good)
I’m glad you share similar sentiments about “Prime Target”! This past week sealed the deal for me on the verdict.
I hear you on the hesitation on “Anne with an E” - I’ve heard others voice such considerations, and one around spouse preference, too. Truthfully if I didn’t have my daughter making a very persuasive case for this show and her kind and persistent nudging over the holiday break I don’t know that I would have ever watched. Like you, I just had a general non interest but I’m glad I changed my mind. Also they have some really beautiful queer storylines (younger and older characters) woven into the mix. The whole show is done very thoughtfully.
Great recs and perfect descriptions/sub-headings. 😆
SNL was historically out of reach here, but I've just been through my library catalogue and have found a few DVDs to borrow & bookmarked the youtube site (for the videos they'll deem to share to the nether regions of the world, that is!).
The poll was unfortunately easy, since Dirty Dancing is the only one I've seen. I would like to pick The Diner, but sadly, also not available. 🥺
I’m surprised you are waiting to binge watch Severance as it’s a total IT/event show that will likely have faded from the cultural limelight by the time you get to it. It’s also in my opinion one of the best shows to savor and not binge. I’m actually grateful that they don’t release them all at once.
I have no idea how you have time to watch all these shows. I guess when you really want something you find the time, right? :-) Severance is the only show I’m watching right now so I will just read your posts in ignorant admiration for the time being. :-)
Man, so many thoughts about to save and binge vs week to week watching. Here’s what I will say - at the end when y’all are “Wait I think this reference (from finale) was in the second episode of the season. Maybe it was the third and wait didn’t she do this or that…Oh, man. Now I gotta go back and rewatch…” I will have it all fresh in my mind. No memory farts.💨
Love how your brain works! 🏃🏻♀️😆
That’s a good argument for binging!;)
I LURVE "The Night Agent". Me, Sis, and my Dad binge-watched the first season over a weekend. I saw Season 2 is out, so I definitely need to catch up. I've seen "Anne with E" but don't remember how many seasons there are. I feel like I watched them all and was waiting for the next one, but it never came. Maybe? I dunno.
From this list we’re watching Night Agent, All Creatures, Severance, and The Agency. All Creatures falls under our “calming, palate cleanser” watch category, along with Elsbet and other low-stress shows. I have a love/hate relationship with Night Agent. It scratches an itch I have for spy shows and political intrigue, but also… “Let’s reveal all of our top secret intel to this random civilian named Rose!” 😂
But Rose is smarter than the FBI and CIA because of her face recognition code whose valuable intellectual property she’s basically giving away to the ADVERSE douche. I think that’s the most upsetting thing about this show.
Ahhhh so much tv, so little time! I’m watching season 3 of Sex Lives of College Girls right now. I can only really manage one show at a time since tv time is scarce. I hadn’t even heard of the new Reese/Will Ferrell movie! So excited now, I live for a funny rom com. I never tried Severance when it was all the rage in season 1. Should I do that next? Does it take a lot of deep attention to watch? I need stuff that is either fun distraction or VERY gripping and addictive. I can’t really do anything in between or I’ll get bored fast.
Thanks Stephanie. I started S3 of Sex Lives of College Girls but didn’t continue. I can’t remember why but I was sort of bummed they didn’t continue Whitney at the house of sorority horrors. Someone described it as a “Get out” type premise and I think they could have leaned into that a bit more. I also missed Renee Rapp’s character (not her) and though the replacement was not the same. I loved the first two seasons too and Chalamet is a comedic coup!
Severance is well done and a quality show. It took me a few episodes to get into the pacing of it. However that’s me. Others have said they were gripped right away. Have you done “The White Lotus”? It’s so worth it and grabs you right away. That would be my recommendation.
I keep meaning to google about Leighton’s departure… I didn’t realize she was leaving the show, I thought it would just be a couple episodes and she’d come back! But now I see she’s fully gone, ugh. Actors shouldn’t be allowed to do that and mess up the storyline 😂
Severance looked like the type of show I’d realize was good but also would have trouble focusing on. But I’ll try eventually! I did watch White Lotus S1 and then totally forgot about it. It was great but also so cringey and sometimes I can’t get in the mood to be that uncomfortable. I really overthink my TV choices, clearly haha.
Some really good ones here! My most recent binge was American Primeval! Really enjoyed it!
Ok! Sounds like I need to add this one to the list. The western thing drew me away from it but the cast looks fantastic
I am enjoying Dexter Original Sin so much, Christian Slater is also nice to watch :) - I am also enjoying Paradise, with the caveat that I enjoy it knowing that is a Dan Fogelman show haha
Sara - you give me renewed Dexter hope. I gotta know. What is it that’s keeping you invested??
The SNL Beyond doc is really interesting! I loved the ep on the writers (I think ep 2). I went to an "SNL museum exhibit" in NY a few years back that was awesome. Each section you walk through represented a different day of the week, so the first room showed you what happens on Sunday, second room showed Monday etc
Yeah that feels a lot like the vibe in the writers room episode where you get that grinding sense of each day carrying its own weight of responsibilities. I wonder how many years it takes to shake that feeling on those specific days and what the meant as far as work and zero sleep
Thanks, Beth! Saved. Our UK listing can sometimes be out of synch with yours. I have watched ALL of the Night Agent. Now about to start The Recruit ;-)
Sweet Magnolias next season soon ;-)
Great read, seeing all the shows you are enjoying is giving me huge FOMO. Agreed that Dexter is becoming sort of insufferable. While I am enjoying it still considering it is giving me my Dexter “fix” the flashback scenes are becoming arduous to endure every week not to mention the lead actor seems to lack the range of Michael C Hall.
I finished The White Lotus (will have a review out next week, hopefully) and really enjoyed it. So many great performances, unique characters, and incredible setting appropriate music. I understand what all the hype was about now, cannot wait until the third season.
Dexter is a tough sell because the 90s apart from Slater don’t carry the same quality that the original show does. I was also tiring of the 80s flashbacks too. I don’t really care about Dexter’s mom and her origin story. I did hear Sarah Michelle Gellar might be bringing Buffy back so maybe this dip back into series format gave her the confidence to try that again. That might be the silver lining in an otherwise 🫤 show.
My husband and I also have the Walking Dead spinoff with rick and michonne a try and did a few episodes. If you watched the original show it holds some nostalgic interest but it’s pretty poorly written.
As for FOMO there’s always time to catch up (or not) on any of these. If you’re prioritizing - The White Lotus would be a top for me. Excited for season 3 too!
And Anne with an E which you know about. Severance is up there too.
Watched AJ Fikraey and ended up balling my eyes out. Then felt really silly. (dont know why)
Prime Target is just ok and a bit ridiculous.
Wasn't thrilled with the Night Agent. It became really formulaic. (Actually jumped to the last episode after watching 4 episodes since they do do a recap)
Can't wait for White Lotus.
I get creepy vibes from Paradise. Murder mystery come dystopian horror story come billionaire mental case running everything. Would make a good polisci term paper with a side psych study on sheeple
The original french version of The Agency is terrific. Watch that if you can find it.
I balled my eyes out with AJ Fikrey too. You’re in good company. It’s deceptively deep and cutting in emotional ways that just took my breath away. The trailer doesn’t do it justice nor do the intro credits which make it seem like a dated made for cable movie.
So do you get the big issue with prime numbers? I’m still scratching my head. They can’t figure out a workaround for the sequence with all the brainpower in science and security tech??
The Night Agent is simplistic but an easy watch.
Paradise I need to revisit but my commercials laden Hulu membership makes it a tough sell during late night watches
And don’t I know it about “The Bureau”
Or “Le Bureau”!
I don’t get the issue with Prime. I think it has something to do with being able to predict the sequence used to create the firewalls around online security. If you can figure out what the sequence is going to be it will make it really easy to breach everything, I think they also apparently only use prime numbers for that. But don’t quote me. Not sure. I know mathematicians just love prime numbers, But since I never went beyond trig (oh about 40 years ago too) in school have no idea in truth.
You sound pretty informed and intelligent here. I’m just like, “ok this is related to cyber security and breaches” but like is it enough to kill anyone who ever got to the bottom of theory surrounding these numbers??? I got to Pre-Calc but can only remember the TI calculator I had to get - think it was a TI-95. Like tell me how old you are without telling me…
I’m surprised Sweet Magnolias isn’t on your list of uplifting stories. The 4th season is about to come out.
Thanks Andrew. I kinda gave up on that one at the end of the 3rd season and I don’t recall why. Maybe too much other competition.
Could be, although I felt like season 3 was something of an anomaly in the show. Didn’t feel quite the same. But it also tends to be very heart wrenching so it can get too much for people.
I have to agree with your review of Prime Target. Its watchable but it's not that great.
I really need to watch Anne with an E but it's one of those shows that my brain decided to just reject for trivial reasons (in that case just the fact that I find Period shows boring - of course there are exceptions when the show is really good)
I’m glad you share similar sentiments about “Prime Target”! This past week sealed the deal for me on the verdict.
I hear you on the hesitation on “Anne with an E” - I’ve heard others voice such considerations, and one around spouse preference, too. Truthfully if I didn’t have my daughter making a very persuasive case for this show and her kind and persistent nudging over the holiday break I don’t know that I would have ever watched. Like you, I just had a general non interest but I’m glad I changed my mind. Also they have some really beautiful queer storylines (younger and older characters) woven into the mix. The whole show is done very thoughtfully.
Haha the queer storylines is usually all it takes to convince me so with that and your review of it I definitely will give it a chance.
Also waiting to binge Severance, and glad that Paradise hooked you in the end looking back at that initial note you posted!
Great recs and perfect descriptions/sub-headings. 😆
SNL was historically out of reach here, but I've just been through my library catalogue and have found a few DVDs to borrow & bookmarked the youtube site (for the videos they'll deem to share to the nether regions of the world, that is!).
The poll was unfortunately easy, since Dirty Dancing is the only one I've seen. I would like to pick The Diner, but sadly, also not available. 🥺