Thanks for mentioning my “P” note, Beth. I’m watching Slow Horses and The Perfect Couple. Someone on Substack mentioned how effortlessly people in the show waltz,around with the enormous wedding cake. Those suckers are heavy (in real life). Doesn’t one go to acting school anymore? I’ve also spent a fair amount of time on New England beaches. Even in August, that water is chilly. Oh well, it’s not supposed to be real, is it? Like Goshia’s lousy Polish accent. The actress is a Russian born American. You’d think she could do better.

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Thanks Denise for this comment. Yeah the guy is walking around with the cake like it’s nobody’s business. And the accent is ridiculous!

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Oh noooo not a bad Polish accent. Now I really need to see the show with my partner who is Polish to get the full tea on it.

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Been behind on a few series! So far, I just finished binging the first three seasons of Slow Horses before I start season 4. I've liked season 3 best.

Haven't started Bad Monkey yet. Waiting for the whole season to drop.

Tried starting Shogun again... One episode in so far....

Love the first season of Pachinko, also waiting for that one to end before I start it.

I feel like I have to eventually watch the new season of Only Murders in the Building because of all the Emmy nominations it gets but I can't say I've been a big fan of any of the seasons...

May start The Perfect Couple tonight.

Industry is also on the list.

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Definitely watch “The Perfect Couple” and come with zero standards. Then you will enjoy. I couldn’t watch “Shogun” and I tried twice. But another Substacker I subscribe to really enjoyed it! And I trust his judgement. I haven’t been able to get past the second episode.

“Only Murders” I keep thinking will eventually get sloppy but it hasn’t. Season 2 was my least favorite but even that one entertained!

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Honestly I watched Shogun until the end but I never got super into it like a lot of others did. It's a good show but it's definitely slow to start and I really struggled to get attached to the characters. I want to say it gets captivating after X episodes but I think it's just a slow burn throughout.

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Don't know how you all have time to watch the movies, the TV shows, write great newsletters and read and comment on a couple dozen more!

I can only assume you eat fast food, don't sleep and have identical twins.

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Ha! Yes - I eat tuna salad religiously (prepped ceremoniously every Sunday for the entire week) and my kids are clones. Actually the sleep one is right but I don’t really work in the middle of the night and only read when I really can’t sleep

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This is just about all I do these days Steve! Maybe I should push for more paid subscribers!

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Sep 14Liked by Beth Lisogorsky

Just finished watching The Perfect Couple, and it started good bad and then degenerated to bad bad but completely agree with your greasy Chinese analogy - it hits the spot! Why am I eating this? Why am I watching this? And loved your fan letter (spot on)

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“Good bad” is the perfect (🤩) description

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I agree on Bad Monkey. It’s… fine, I guess. I love Carl Hiassen’s books, so I thought this would be a slam dunk. I guess it translate as well onto the screen?

My fave Phoebe Bridgers song is “Dylan Thomas” from her Better Oblivion Community Center project with Conor Oberst.


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Bad Monkey showed promise at the jump. I think it’ll likely get better but it’s suffering from some bloat. Like we don’t need some of these episodes!

And that song is wonderful. Thx for sharing. Perhaps Swift’s TTPD song with Dylan Thomas can be traced to this Phoebe song since they are or were friends. I forget the current status. Conor Oberst is a name I haven’t heard since at least 2010 and prime Bright Eyes days

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Bright Eyes has a new album that just came out. It's quite good.

And "fine, I guess" is the perfect review of Bad Monkey. I watched two episodes and thought to myself -- this should be much more fun and funny than it is. I think I'm moving on. Pachinko, though, I'm all in for season 2!

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You’re watching Pachinko too? How did I forget this?

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Yeah, how could you forget such an important detail about me!🫨

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*doesn’t translate

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The Perfect Couple is like an addictive beach novel -- couldn't stop reading. The actors were clearly relishing being smarmy, which was fun to watch. But yes, the dialog was ludicrous!

I adore the characters in Slow Horses and they are not disappointing this season.

Bad Monkey has lost steam, but I've been sticking with it too for the characters since the plot is a bit sleepy.

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Totally an addictive beach read which is what I’m hoping people feel about my book! It’s a compliment and a half.

Bad Monkey I’m slogging through. What happened? It lacks a soul. Am I right?

So excited for your comment on Slow Horses. It fills me with hope

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The Old Man is on my next to watch list. Slow Horses is really good IMO (Gary Oldman, like Lithgow, is so good & ensemble in Slow Horses is also very solid). Make sure to turn on subtitles or you’ll miss some of the slang, etc or at least I did (maybe you already do this with UK shows but it took me a while to catch on!).

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Thanks for sharing! Oh I am a subtitles queen. 🫅 have been for a long time. And it’s a game changer. Now if only movie theaters would get on board. I enjoy both shows immensely and all of these “old men.” They are gems 💎

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Sep 14Liked by Beth Lisogorsky


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So many awesome parts in this post I don't even know where to start!

I am super intrigued by The Perfect Couple since I saw that it's likely to become one of the most watched shows on Netflix based on the viewership trend of the first few days. It's Fool Me Once all over again. How are those shows attracting so many viewers?? I will say that now I have FOMO and your review convinced me I should check it out so I'll add to the viewership numbers 😂.

I'm so curious, did you have a review of expats? I'd love to read your thoughts on it. I hated Nicole Kidman's character so much in that show. Also, how entitled of the character to get mad at people for not speaking English when she herself didn't speak the local language 😮. That scene still makes me mad.

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Thanks Aurelie!

I think “The Perfect Couple” by entertainment value is better than “Fool me Once” but I can never go by what ranks in the top ten on Netflix for guidance because it’s not usually the stuff that I like or want to watch. Maybe there’s overlap with one or two titles.

I’m begging a friend to watch TPC so we can laugh at this together. This show is asking for this!

Expats was horrendous. Everyone there was awful. I think the message was supposed to be sisterhood (?) but it felt so superficial I couldn’t even get behind that. It’s a pet peeve when people don’t bother speaking the native language when they are living somewhere.

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Sep 14Liked by Beth Lisogorsky

Just finished watching Emily in Paris!

Your letter to Nicole is spot on! The amount of times I want to comment on aging gracefully. The fillers and what not are a pet peeve of mine and completely distract me when I’m watching a film with people who have overused them.

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Ooo. I can’t wait to finish this weekend. Let me guess - (but don’t tell me) She picks the Italian guy? She has to or there wouldn’t be another season.

And it’s very distracting to see stars with tons of fillers. There was a article, albeit from

The Daily Mail, about how Lorraine Bracco from “The Sopranos” is not recognizable in the recent Sopranos documentary and ok,’yes there’s been facial work but for the most part I think she gained weight which also happens as women age. So I think that element is natural and do we expect her to look like she did 25-30 years ago?

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Sep 13Liked by Beth Lisogorsky

Can't wait to watch The Old Man!

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Thank you for your shout out!!! Also, can I cosign your your letter to NK?

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Yes please! I mean you’ll have to find your own signature because well mine is deeply personal but you’re creative and have sass. I suspect it’ll come to you.

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I'm a big fan of Kidman. I don't think you realize how tough it is for women over 40 in Hollywood. Playing ice queens might be the only time she gets a green light for a project. She probably has many pet projects that aren't getting the funding or studio support. Meanwhile, she loves the craft and loves to work. She can't be as picky about projects as when she was 30. We are almost done binging The Perfect Couple.

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Oh I hear that it’s tough- for sure. And I get that even Kidman has to put up with stuff just to get projects green lit but ya know… It can still make me sad that it’s the state of affairs in entertainment. And hurry up and finish this show will ya?!!

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Thank you for the recommendation of A Bit of Good News as well as the lovely compliment. Much appreciated!

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I first saw Phoebe Bridgers smash her guitar on Saturday Night Live, and I confess... my heart afluttered. Aflutters? Aflutted?


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I’ve never seen this! Too cool. Now

I’m hunting for said video

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It's worth a look, but, I'll confess this... it looked maybe a little staged? Just a little?

And then there was a controversy over social media about it, some misogynist famous rocker talking shit about it being a rehearsed, phony moment, and her going back and forth about it.

Whatever it was, she genuinely smashed a guitar, and she genuinely gave a good performance, and she genuinely looked... oh god, I surrender, I cannot tell you!


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